Knowledge and Skills
Key Knowledge
- how media is used by globalised media institutions, governments and individuals
Key Skill
- explain how media is used by globalised media institutions, governments and individuals
Key terms and concepts
- the way the media is "used" by different key stakeholders can mean different things, they can be using it to gain agency / control, to make money or for social justice reasons for example
- Globalised media institutions: Large media companies. Could be traditional media companies such as Disney, 21st Century Fox, Viacom, or newer technology companies such as Alphabet (who owns Google), Facebook and Microsoft.
- Governments: Australian governments use the media in various ways, mostly in terms of PSA's (Public Service Announcements)
- The Individuals: How an individual person might use the media - either as an audience in terms of Uses and Gratification theory, or as an active member of the member - how they contribute to the media economy/